Torbay Nature Trail
Directions - Starting from the Torbay Community Hall, from Albany head west along Lower Denmark Road until you reach Hunwick S Road. Turn right and follow this until you reach the left turn for the Torbay Community Hall. Continue along until you reach the hall, finding a small car park and trail head on the left hand side.
The Hike - I first came across the Torbay Nature Trail when I passed through the area on the final day of the Munda Biddi coming into Albany. On what was a thoroughly enjoyable way to finish a three day adventure, I remember arriving at Torbay Hall, and being impressed with the surrounding area. Having looked at the information boards and seeing there was a short walk trail in the area, I made a mental note to come back in wildflower season to explore the area on foot.

Fast forward two years and I was on a three week road trip researching my next book, when I had a spare couple of hours while staying in Albany. Rather than head back to my accommodation, I decided that it was a good time to meander around Torbay and see if the full trail was any good. Arriving at Torbay Hall, there was no one around, not a big surprise as I don't think it get used much. Checking out the information board, there is a hand drawn map of the trail (which I didn't follow to the exact route provided), a list of all the bird species found in the area, along with some historical information about Torbay and the hall. Taking a few reference photos, I started the walk where the "Torbay Nature Trail" sign is located, admiring the trail markers that have a Blue Wren on them. Setting off on the trail, the undergrowth wasn't as natural as I would have like, thanks to the invasive grasses, but that is to be expected being so close to an old settlement. The forest was pleasant and it didn't take long before I spotted my first wildflowers, and my first bird, a Western Rosella.
This part of the trail is what drew me to returning, as the path that the Munda Biddi takes (what is meant to be the northern part of the loop drawn on the map) was filled with wildflowers and some lovely forest. It didn't take long for the invasive grasses to disappear and the slightly overgrown trail had a much more natural feel to it. The wildflowers did not disappoint through here, with Wattles, Triggerplants, Boronia and Andersonia lining the edge of the trail. With so many different species in such a small area, I did my usual trick of slowing right down and scanning the undergrowth to make sure I didn't miss anything. It's always fun when you can turn a corner and spot a different species time and time again, something I really love about Western Australia. Spotting a few mature Karri trees in the distance, it's nice to know they were deemed important and not cut down when the settlement was established back in the early 1900s. Coming across my first orchid, a Cowslip Orchid, this was followed by a Purple Enamel Orchid, and I was in heaven.

Reaching an open section of heathland, this is more what I remembered from the Munda Biddi, with a few more new wildflowers to be found here. Weaving back to the south, you reach the edge of Unnidup Creek, the reason why the mature Karri trees can thrive here. A fallen tree over the water provided a nice photo feature, before the trail left the creek to head back into the forest. Popping out onto Lower Denmark Road, the trail uses the traffic bridge to cross Unnidup Creek for the out and back section that is drawn on the map. Deciding to check out this part of the trail, it leads you along the southern side of the creek, before doing a little loop and returning back the way you came. Immediately I wasn't too impressed with this section, as it is literally just someone's driveway and very weedy. Continuing along and hoping it would get better, there were some nice moments when you reached a bend in the river or some rapids.
These were few and far between, as the grasses and weeds have choked up a lot of this landscape. Compared to the other side of the creek, this was not an enjoyable walk but I'd thought I would see it out until the little loop marked on the map. Reaching that point and scoping out the small loop, it didn't improve, so rather than backtrack, I decided to keep walking and meet up with the Munda Biddi at the small bridge over Unnidup Creek. As I approached that bridge there were some nice Karri trees along the path that were looking nice in the afternoon light. Spotting the bridge as I stopped to photograph the creek, I knew things would be alright from here until Torbay Hall. Crossing the bridge brought back some pleasant memories and the forest from here until the finish was top notch. Large Karri trees, the return of wildflowers, and just a reset of the natural order. Walk over, I returned to my accommodation debating whether or not to do this hike up as a post on the website you are reading now. Spoiler alert but I did for the reasons in the next section.

Final Thoughts – Given this is a trail that a few enthusiast locals cobbled together in the name of bird watching, it's really hard to say anything negative about it.
As I mentioned above, the area north of Unnidup Creek is where all the enjoyable scenery is located, and if you are planning a visit here to meander around, I would recommend sticking to the small loop that uses the Munda Biddi and the section I walked (seeing the map at the trail head will show you the proper route).
Visiting from late winter to late spring will provide an abundance of wildflowers and you won't be disappointed if that is something you enjoy.
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