Mundaring to Albany
Munda Biddi Trail
8-25 Days
Date Ridden
Aug-Sept 2021
12 Campsites
15 Towns
The Munda Biddi Trail is one of the longest bikepacking routes in the world and is located in Western Australia, running over 1000km between Mundaring just east of Perth and Albany on the south coast.
Munda Biddi or "path through the forest" does exactly that as you wind along single track, old rail formations, fire trails and the occasional section of road riding, enjoying well appointed campsites and towns along the way. Whether you're looking to push the pace or out to enjoy a leisurely bikepacking experience, there is plenty to love about this trail that is improving all the time.
To have a listen to us discussing the Munda Biddi Trail with guests, check out the Real Trail Talk page for plenty of content.
Below is a section by section guide to the Munda Biddi Trail from my August-September 2021 end to end.
If you are thinking about doing an end to end or an overnighter or two on the Munda Biddi then I encourage you to become a member of the Munda Biddi Foundation. Members receive great benefits from a range of sponsors and you are directly supporting the trail.
If you've found this page or the website helpful and you want to show your support then consider making a small donation by visiting our Ko-fi page. You can give as little as a dollar with no sign-up required and everything will be put towards the website, creating new content and promoting the trail community.